Isabelle was tired of the try-win-fail-try-again loop she had been on for years, in her desire to age lean, healthy and strong.
She crushed her weight loss and shaping goals, PLUS she is now living a deep, authentic and rewarding life in all ways!
Kristen, trainer was desperate to stay lean and strong, trying all the fad diets but they were no longer working. She found Karen and signed up right away to work with her…
Diane was the start-over gal for years, losing and gaining, and she finally decided to do differently….
Jennifer Burset-Foo was looking for a woman who keenly understood the ageing body, how to train and eat our age, and creating a powerful mindset to match!
Jenn lost 80 pounds I her journey with Karen, and has kept it off for 7 years. Her ideas about weight loss were struggle and suffering, NOT necessary!
Ingrid learned to put herself first, and THIS time, she lost the weight and kept it off. She is living confidently, and differently in her body and her head.
Barb wanted weight loss, support for her depression and anxiety, and wanting to move into retirment healthy and well, and her hubby are doing just that!

Leaning in....
I first met Karen shortly after my second child was born, in 2009, when I weighed about 250 pounds. I have lost over 100 lbs. I am 155 lbs and 27% bodyfat (it was 48% bodyfat), but this really isn’t just about weight loss. The time I spend in the gym is a connection to myself. I push myself and I remind myself of my inner strength and ability to carry on in life, a life that is often filled with challenge and strife. And the food has become food again…it’s easy, once you learn how. Many people ask me what my secret is. I usually laugh off the question and tell them it’s all Karen. And while, as many of you know, Karen is amazing. She walks the walk, she stays fit and lean, she keeps her teachings easy, really, and helps to create new, fresh habits, so you never go looking for another trendy diet!
Jenn Stevens

Life Coaching at its best!
Karen has endless knowledge of all things related to fitness and nutrition, but she is so much more than just a fitness coach. As a Life Coach, she helps kick bad habits to the curb by addressing the root cause of a client’s behaviour. She is extremely supportive and positive, and has provided encouragement and motivation precisely when I needed it the most. She has helped me discover where my fear and self sabotage comes from, AND she helped me lose 9 lbs and 14 inches so far! I am so happy to have worked with Karen! She has helped to set me up on a path to physical and mental well-being for life!
Dr. Samantha Bourdeau

From fear to lifelong success!
What I gained from Karen's coaching and programs has always been above and beyond what I ever thought I would. Strength in all areas, physically, mentally, spiritually... something to help guide me through the ups and downs of life. I love that she is all about the 40+ woman - we ARE a different breed! I live lean and more shapely than ever, and moreso, I believe in myself! It’s been 7 years now, and I’m loving still every moment of this healthy lifestyle!
Alison West, 50

Loving the Journey!
Karen’s coaching has literally changed my life. It gets you back to the basics and there is so much information on the right way to get your metabolism back on track. NO More DIETS or gimmicks that costs money and leaves you on a roller coaster ride. I highly recommend Karen to anyone who is serious about changing their health and want the honest truth. Best money I ever spent!!. I feel so much better and have lost over 10 lbs and still losing!
Gail Johns, 54

She lost over 100 pounds!
Some time ago, I made the decision to dedicate a year to my health, thinking what’s one year who knows what could happen. It’s now become a lifestyle, and will be a never-ending journey, forever bettering myself and my health. So far, I have lost 108 lbs, I’ve gone from a 3X shirt to a medium, and a tight 20 pant (most likely was a 22) to a size 12. Though I’ve lost the equivalent of a teenager I’ve gained so much more, a newfound zest for life, confidence, and self-esteem. Thank you Karen!
Meghan Supernault

Reframing our Stories....
Lynne Ruygrok, 58
I originally went to Karen because of a food and weight issue. Karen did not just give me a diet plan, rather, she coached ME, knowing that the food addiction and excess weight were symptoms, not the problem. I had been to several therapists, but I still felt stuck like something wasn’t quite right. But I couldn’t put my finger on it. Karen just took me to that next level, where it’s like “OK, this is it. I got it!” Karen helped me see my self-sabotaging beliefs from a fresh perspective, which was key for me. I had stories in my head that were keeping me stuck. I realized I was trying to brush my stories and challenges aside for years, thinking “I should be able to get over this, I should be able to stop over-eating”, but I was never successful for very log. Within a few sessions with Karen, I started having breakthroughs. I feel like I have been let out of prison! I feel light! And now, I have a healthy relationship with food, and I don’t use it to calm me down or soothe my pain anymore! Karen is very easy to talk to, and her own life story and challenges allows her to really be able to relate to me and my life. Thank you Karen!