MASTERY Body Transformation Program

for 40+ Women

Are you a woman between 35 – 65 and you are frustrated with the changes in your body and energy?

Have you tried countless diets to no avail? Maybe even gained weight and then some afterward? Are you tired of the rollercoaster? Has it taken a toll on your confidence and self-esteem?

Are you fed up with trainers who don’t understand your lifestyle, struggles, age or genetics and you really want a trainer who ‘gets you’ and who walks the walk, as you do? Experience matters! YOU matter!

Have you been afraid to train with weights for fear you’ll look like a man? And yet, all that cardio and aerobic training aren’t helping you lose weight anymore?

Karen McCoy, 60

Karen McCoy is a fitness professional who understands your needs and desires, firsthand! “The fitness industry has failed the 40+ women and it’s time we learn the Real Deal!”

To learn more about Karen, click here!

“The truth about aging with grace and beauty is about changing the inner dialogue and looking deep within at your conditioning — the thoughts you carry. It’s not what you are eating, rather, what is eating you.

When you tend to the inner world, you can then step into self-care with a sense of love rather than rebellion. I believe that living, eating, exercising, and loving ourselves alongside the Wisdom of Mother Nature is the only real, life-affirming way to live. Let’s love ourselves into great health!

Plus, let’s not kid ourselves, although we are what we eat, without learning how to rev up our metabolisms with the ‘right’ kind of exercise, we will struggle with our weight for life.”

~ Karen McCoy, Certified Fitness Coach, Sports Nutritionist, Yoga Instructor and Life Coach

Karen's 5 Success Shifts to total body transformation to get you started...please watch!

Our MASTERY Lifestyle Program runs all year! Book a call and let's chat!

Waking up our METABOLISMS!

What is ‘metabolism?’ It’s not ‘superfoods’ or metabolism boosters, like mainstream marketing has us believe! Too many diets, calorie restrictions, and crazy food formulas have left our metabolisms tired and unwell (we don’t eat numbers, we eat food!). We CAN turn that around, even at our tender age! So we begin with our 7-Day Metabolism Reset Eating Plan to get your metabolism humming along again. A healthy, robust metabolism can be yours again…and we look at several lifestyle rules to keep it strong and working for you, unique to the 40+ woman!

Macronutrient Magic

Macro’s like protein, carbs and fats matter, but it is a different blend when we are 40+ women. Our needs change, our metabolisms change and our lifestyle changes, which means we need a different approach. Using a customized Food Plan guarantees success, AND it needs to be realistic and long-term, supporting us through the years. Say NO to ever dieting again, and say YES to a sustainable way to eat, which naturally manages weight and builds healthy cells!

Honouring Our Circadian Rhythms

Chronobiology is a new and promising field of research that looks at our bodys’ clocks (circadian rhythms) as it relates to weight control, digestion and metabolism. Dieting, poor food choices, lousy sleep and stress knocks us out of our rhythm, and many women have lived this way for decades! We must to listen to, and return to, the wisdom and structure of our body’s natural rhythms so we can build health. It’s not complicated, and it feels sooo good. This is the simplicity of living in tune with Mother Nature.

F.R.E.S.H. Eating Plan!

Microbiota Influence defines our health. Our gut critters keep us in homeostatis (balance), and support a strong metabolism and strong digestive fires. Today’s trendy diets throw us out of homeostasis and into metabolic havoc! F.R.E.S.H. returns us to a simpler, healthier way of eating that is simple, real, flexible and healing. We return to Mother Nature’s wisdom and ease with an eating style that lovingly supports the 40+ woman! Intuitive eating and FOOD FREEDOM….yes!


Meals, Menu plans and more…

What are good eating rules? What are proper portions and timing of meals? And how important is this, anyway? It is very important to the 40+ woman, and moreso as we age! Let’s learn the fine – and uncomplicated – art of meal size, time and portions that offer up a strong metabolism, fewer cravings, and keep our bodies burning fat while feeding our lovely muscles (yep, those shapely amazing muscles that we are training every week with our Mastery Workouts!) It’s a whole New Day for the ‘vintage’ woman!

STOP the Self Sabotage: our unique re-wiring DETOX!

Are you tired of starting over every year? Where would you be if you stayed on course with your healthy eating and training? As vintage women, we take responsibility for our choices up to this point, and while we must focus on our food and movement strategy, we also need to look within. A Mindset Re-Boot allows us to stop the self sabotage, up-level our beliefs to transform our body and our life! Our unique Re-wiring your Brain: Get the Junk out DETOX uproots self sabotaging, and creates a stronger, more expansive and powerful Self Identity so you never have to worry about falling back down the rabbit hole of frustration, shame or guilt due to ‘losing momentum’ or ‘life threw you off your game’. It is about becoming whole, powerful and fully in alignment with our goals, values and desires.


Happy, Healthy Hormones

Our hormones are a valuable and important part of our healthy living lifestyle. They are not to be feared, but sadly, many ageing women have come to detest the journey! Let’s turn that conversation around! Let’s dare to get real, share our stories, and really look at options for balancing our hormones. Our hormone specialist and #1 Bestselling author, offers our clients live webinars, Q and A’s and works WITH clients to help balance hormones to support healthy ageing, to create a robust metabolism, and other supports that balance and regulate your hormones. Here, we get rid of bloat, achiness and brain fog, we support recovery and create strong immune system, all of which need more attention and love as we age.


Lovin’ our Body – Tighten and tone ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

40+ woman adores her body, and she wants to return to her youthful, strong self again. It IS doable, with the magic and power of weight training. Three progressive workouts, crafted specifically for the 40+ woman! The current Fitness Industry does not appropriately serve the 40+ woman, whose bodies, musculature, metabolism, nervous system, joints and more, require specialize training. Our e-workouts are unique because we are unique. Feeling strong and sensual, and feeling tight and toned is exhilarating. And seeing the change is even more intoxicating!


What is ‘Healthy Ageing’?

How do YOU view ageing? Is it something to fear, or resist? Noo……! In a world where youth often trumps age, we are changing the conversation! We are expanding, not contracting, on all levels. We are stepping into our Power and our presence in record numbers! How exciting and freeing! Certainly, the ‘second wave of feminism’ is upon us! We are Change-Agents, pioneer women, and we are reclaiming our power and our potential, as we empower and embolden other women to do the same. The world is our oyster! We are pow-er-ful, and we are Rising UP!


Our complimentary Body Breakthrough call is for two types of women…​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

1 – We are looking for committed, accountable and coachable women who are ready and willing to TRULY change their life and are interested in our 20-week Mastery Lifestyle Program! These clients value real expertise, and they are ready to make the SHIFT! We take a very limited number of clients every month, to ensure we can give the attention and support that our clients need as they work through the Program.

2 – Or if you simply need support in your health and ageing path, our complimentary 45-minute Body Breakthrough call is for you where we look at what’s working, what’s not working for you, and we craft a strategy to get you to where you want to be!

Here’s the link to book YOUR call today!

Who is Karen McCoy?

After 35 years in the fitness industry, Karen knows the truth about weight loss, hormones, menopause, and feeling AMAZING, especially after age 35, when things start to change … and she’s here to give you the real goods. Because she has walked the walk!.

Karen McCoy, 61, is the Real McCoy!

It doesn’t fall lightly on Karen the irony that one of Canada’s top fitness coaches/trainers gave birth to a child with a terminal, degenerative, muscle-wasting disease called Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

Tristan, now 28, has taught Karen so much about living with joy and strength, no matter what we’re going through. And although he is losing more and more mobility every day of his life, he “lives” more than most able-bodied people.

You can image the real reason Karen is so passionate about supporting women in taking care of their bodies, their health and their inner world…so they too can feel alive, empowered and in sync with the world around them!

Read Karen’s Full Story

“As a bestselling author, Master Empowerment Coach, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and former fitness competitor, I’ve met many amazing coaches, trainers, authors, and inspirational leaders. When I met Karen McCoy, I instantly realized this woman was in a league of her own; her passion for health and fitness is driven not by vanity or ego – although she looks very much like a world-class fitness competitor and she’s 58!

Karen is a living example of channeling her struggles and feelings of fear and loss into a life-enhancing, productive, empowered, healthy way of living, loving, moving, giving, and receiving. Karen pulls it all together; this course is everything a woman would need to feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually strong! In fact, I’m registered for Karen’s next 10-Week Best Shape Challenge and I’m excited!”

– Crystal Andrus Morissette, founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute

β€œAs a bestselling health author and nutrition and fitness professional, I have never had the need for a personal trainer. Having said this, I would not hesitate to hire Karen McCoy, as she is one of the best trainers in the business – bar none! As a man, hiring Karen is not an option, so if you’re a woman and you want to get in the best shape of your life for the rest of your life, look no further – Karen is your expert of choice!”

– Brad King, fitness expert, bestselling author, formulator

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Plus, that's not all! When you sign up to the Mastery Lifestyle Program, you'll receive these amazing Bonus Gifts worth THOUSANDS of dollars​​​​​​!!

  • Live Mastermind Classes: Our Members’ favourite part of the program – live Q and A and Mastermind sessions with our lovely, growing community of amazing women!
  • Body-shaping, metabolism boosting workouts: Our progressive e-workouts will have you loving the process of moving your boy and creating a fit, beautiful, shapely version of you. Muscle by its very existence burns body fat and revs your metabolism. Karen explains how to know when to shift up, what that looks like, how to ensure your recovery is optimum, and other exercise tools for the 40+ woman. We are different, so our training and recovery needs are different too!
  • Your Individualized Food Plan: We craft your unique food plan, based on your age, metabolism, goals and genetics. Your macro count (protein, carbs and fats) are built for us 40+ woman. One on One’s with our nutritionist ensures you are moving toward your weight loss and shapinggoals! Food freedom is also the goal!
  • Re-wiring your Brain! Getting the Junk Out DETOX! In this unique process, we get to the root of your unconscious self sabotage, rip out those outdated beliefs and fuel you up with expansive, sustainable beliefs that expand and support a strong Self Identity moving forward! It is our Signature exercise that is a MUST for success!
  • 7-10 Day Metabolism Reset Plan: A metabolism reset to clean your cells and get your eating (and brain) on track and in line with your new Healthy Living Lifestyle.
  • Weekly Accountability Check in’s. We track and support you at every step!
  • Balancing our hormones with Canada’s leading specialist in hormonal health and wellness!
  • 16 Modules: Every week, you gain access to the next MASTERY Module, built in a progressive step-by-step manner to support your training, food and mindset work. Videos, documents and questionnaires ensure you are always learning, digesting and moving toward a richer, deeper understanding of health and wellness on all levels. ​​​​​​
  • Alumni program, where we continue the Journey! Here we solidify our new habits and deepen our Journey. Habits take time to root themselves, and this is where the Alumni part of the program is invaluable! The journey continues and the support and learning continues, for as long as you want!
  • To download details of the Mastery Lifestyle Program for Women, CLICK HERE!

Our lovely program is always running, year round!

Book your complimentary Breakthrough Call with Karen today

(this call is a complimentary call to help get you unstuck and moving forward in your health and body goals. Our questionnaire MUST be filled out before we do the call so we know where you’re struggling and how we can best support you)!

Click Here

Got questions?…email us!


Stuck in your body goals?

πŸ“žΒ Book a free Strategy Call with Karen!Β Β Click here

πŸ–₯️ Learn how our unique approach will transform your body!Β Β

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