For motivated 40+ women wanting a lean, shapely, strong and healthy body for Life!

Say no to restrictive diets, info overload and complicated processes.
We are Warrior Women... re-defining ageing, and it looks and feels AMAZING!
Let me ask you a few questions…
- Are you a motivated 40+ woman who wants the best of everything, but your body is showing the wear and tear of ageing?
- Are you successful in your career / social circle / community and you want to showcase that same success in your body?
- Are you exercising and wanting to see results but your body and metabolism has changed with age?
- Are you knee-deep in all the info and just want a single, powerful strategy that gets you to your goals fast?
- Are you experimenting with trendy diets like keto, fasting, or detoxes but you’re not seeing the expected results?
- Are you a woman who believes in putting herself first?
- Are you wanting to reconnect with your beautiful spirit?
- Do you see ageing as a gift, and you want to make the best of your future years, living healthy, vibrant, joyful?
- Are you ready to step in with fresh eyes and an open mindset to enjoy a sustainable, lasting BODY and LIFE Transformation that redefines Ageing?
Book a free Body Breakthrough call with Karen. Here’s the link:!
Note: Our schedule is limited, so please ensure you show up for the call.
YES, I want to book my free 45 minute complimentary coaching call!!
▶️ Over 40, Fit and Lean Living with Karen!
Teaching our 40+ women a deep, sustainable way to lose unwanted pounds, restore health,
reverse ageing, get into head-turning shape and look and feel amazing!
We are Warrior Women and we are re-defining ageing at every turn!
About Karen…
I’ve been coaching for 35 years, and as I progressed along my own ageing fitness path, I noticed a disturbing pattern: the 40+ woman was not being catered to. I watched these women struggle with eating and training programs that didn’t work, didn’t speak to a slowed metabolism, hormone fluctuations, life challenges and more.
As 40+ women, we have taken care of everyone else. How do I know this? Because I AM you. Just like you, I’ve struggled through many challenges, issues with body image and poor self esteem. I know all the ‘stuff’ that women go through as we raise a family, work hard, build a career, look after the home and support all those around us. Now, at mid-life (yes, 40+ is midlife) it’s time for US! It’s time for YOU!
So how do we get our body back?
To start, we need a program that touches on ALL aspects of our unique health needs – proper training, no nonsense nutrition, understanding our unique biochemistry and metabolism, and understanding and building our emotional and spiritual health. AND we need SUPPORT of a like-minded community of women, all working toward the same goals. We needed to step OUTSIDE mainstream, because the majority does not have it right (or everyone would be walking around lean, happy and healthy). In my world, we do things very differently and we’ve supported hundreds of women in living a healthy lifestyle in body, mind and spirit.
Our Body Blueprint Strategy: While food plans and e-workouts are an important and popular part of our Program, that is only one aspect of our Work. We also look at our emotional and spiritual health, which often gets lost in this busy world of ours. And of course, there are many life challenges that can detour even the best health plans. My own challenges with a high special needs boy has taught me this, and learning to stay open to the challenges, and learning to stay on track and tend to Self, is the most important thing we can do for ourselves and our loved ones. And our Warrior Women Community has been central in helping ME to stay grounded, open, forgiving and accepting during our family’s on-going and challenging Journey of ours.
The 40+ women requires a Holistic Approach to Healthy Ageing, that allows us to craft a strong, lean, well-working body and an equally strong, purposeful emotional ans spiritual LIFE. BOTH must weave into the WHOLE of WhO We Are….Warrior Women!
Please remember our creed: You cannot have a physical transformation without an emotional transformation. This is our cornerstone of success for any woman embarking on a healthy living program that is sustainable, easy and enjoyable.
(To read our unique story, please CLICK HERE!)
It’s OUR time now. You with us?….