20 Years Younger Membership Program

Hey ladies….

Thanks for your interest in my new 20 Years Younger Members Program for 40+ Women.

Please watch my Welcome video to see what we have in store for YOU!



We are here to keep things sweet and to the point, to cut through the BS, throw thee silly trends, diets and myths to the curb, and get you into the best and healthiest body possible. Our goal is to bring you BACK to the basics of real food and proper movement to serve your lovely 40, 50, 60+ body into ways that support healthy, beautiful ageing.

In short, we want to draw a straight line to get you there…no more jumping around from program to program, diet to diet.

YES, SIGN ME up for $39 USD/month
Note, this discounted price is for the first 50 women joining us. 


With over 25 years in the business, and being a 40+ woman myself, I’ve had to learn what works, what doesn’t and be able to manage my ‘vintage’ body into the best it can be.

I’ve also traversed many challenges in my life, and what I have learned about turning tragedy into transformation is a BIG part of my teachings.

And I want to share ALL of this with you….



Here’s what’s coming up…

WORKOUTS: Us Warrior Women train, eat, and live with the seasons (one of my life principles that I have lived and taught for decades…) so we will focus on SEASONAL workouts – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, a tougher in gym workout, and at home workout (if that’s more your game). These workouts will last for 12 weeks (no, you do NOT need to change it more than this, we will TALK about this! Too much change is NOT GOOD for our results!)

Emailed Lessons: Besies this page that is here for newcomers (like you) and these resources are here to stay, FROM THIS POINT ON, everything will be emailed to you (so please make sure we have the right email…if you paid via Pay Pal or Stripe, you may have used another email. So just let us know, ok?)

Video links, resources and other bits will be emailed out and will be held for only 7 days. So please be cognisant of this…we want to keep things simple, so no messy passwords or log ins required, but we also won’t be storing them at our end).

Group Work: We don’t do individual food plans or workouts in this Program (this is reserved for my deeper 16-week Mastery Lifestyle Program for 40+ Women… email me if you want more info). Everything is done in group.

Zoom Calls: These will happen twice a month, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2 p.m. PST. It will consist of a topic that we will be covering, and lots of time for Q and A’s to answer your questions. The topics are always changing, and we will cover a wide spectrum of things…food, metabolism, workouts, recovery, mindset, ageing etc…. you will want to bring pen and paper.

Your membership: This is a month to month program and you may unsubscribe at ANY time. I don’t want anyone to be where they don’t want to be…it doesn’t make for a good relationship!).


When you sign up, you’ll receive the following Starter Resources in your email.

YOUR Starter RESOURCES upon sign up

7 Day Metabolism Reset / Detox
Zen and the Art of Seasonal Eating Rules 
Our current In-Gym Workout(s) 
At Home Workout(s) 

Our ZOOM CLASSES: The 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. PST.


I have some questions…

What if I have my own workout I’m currently on?
That’s cool, many women are on other training programs, and you’re welcome to keep working with your workout / trainer. While I can’t look at your individual workout and make suggestions, you will learn enough in this program to be able to targetshoot your current one, and to know whether it is helping you reach your goals (many workouts do NOT support our goals, sadly.)

What if I miss a Zoom Class?
All Zoom recordings will be emailed out to you and you are free to download. After the 7 days, they will be deleted off the server.

What if I have questions? Can I email you?
Your questions are answered on our ZOOM calls..again, we cannot answer your individual questions via email, so please bring your questions to class!

I’m not sure I am strong / experiences enough to do the In Gym One, do you have other options?
Yes, we have a huge selection of at /home, lighter in gym workouts. You will be offered 2 or 3 different ones every season.

How many days training am I expected to do?
That’s up to you, your goals, experience and lifestyle (we will talk about this in class). We strongly suggest at least 3 minimum, and we will be talking about this, including sets, reps, volume, intensity etc in our Zoom classes.

What if I can’t train at this time?
That’s fine…there will be lots of info and support in the food and mindset department, and if and when you can resume training, you will have some nice workouts to get you there.

Is there a Facebook page for this class?
At this point, we aren’t using a Facebook page either (or I will be inundated with questions all day long), so your questions are answered in our twice-a-month Zoom calls. At some point, we may initiate this, but will see…

What if I join later, will I have access to the previous months’ info and workout?
No. Other than the starter resources named here, there will not be a backlog of all the previous lessons, so you will simply be starting where we are all working, within that season’s training and food and mindset programming. Best to begin NOW!

Will the program price change?
What you sign up for is where you will stay put (this discount is available to the first 50 people). But if you leave and come back, you will be paying at that price point. I suspect my rock-bottom price will increase in time, yes, so grab this deal while you can. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime deal, the way I see it.


 – PLEASE NOTE: Our complimentary 1 hour Body Breakthrough Strategy call is not offered with this Program at this time.


YES, SIGN ME up for $39 USD/month
Note, this discounted price is for the first 50 women. 

I look forward to working with you ladies…

Yours in health and wellness,





Teaching 40+ women a non-mainstream, successful way to lose unwanted pounds, build health, reverse ageing, get in head-turning shape and look and feel amazing! www.warriorwomanfitness.com

Check out our 16-week Mastery Lifestyle Program for 40+ women
For serious women wanting serious results.

YES, SIGN ME up for $39 USD/month
Note, this discounted price is for the first 50 women.