Ladies, are you stuck in a Weight Loss RUT?
- Are you a 35+ woman who is doing all the right things but still can’t lose weight?
- Are you tired of yo-yo dieting?
- Have you tried cleanses and detoxes, but the weight just comes back on again?
- Are you doing endless hours of cardio?
- Are you a ‘mature’ woman whose metabolism has slowed to a grinding halt?
- Are you confused about macro-nutrients (protein, carbs and fats) and what it all means, but more importantly what it all means to YOU and how you can use them to BOOST your metabolism?
- Are you experiencing hormonal ups and downs, and wonder if this is the problem?
- Are you menopausal or peri-menopausal?
- Are you ready to learn the in’s and out’s of REAL metabolism, and what it takes to LOSE the weight for GOOD?
Do you want to get lean and Live Lean for LIFE?
Please watch our short video on what the Program can do for YOU! …..
Let’s start a NEW conversation…
For the next 6 weeks (OK, 7, let’s not forget about our BONUS week!), I will take you on an eye opening journey of self discovery, and to finally explain this whole metabolism thing! I will show you in 7 easy lessons how to understand and work with YOUR metabolism, and how to MASTER it, and live LEAN, for life! No more warring with ourselves, ok? And we will support our work together with our private Facebook Page, where we work in group. No woman is an island!
You will craft your own individual Metabolic Enhancement Strategy Plan at the end of our 6 weeks together, based on my F.R.E.S.H. Eating Style that I crafted decades ago, and which I still use today, for me and all my female clients, to help craft a shapely, sexy, lean body with a robust metabolism!. F.R.E.S.H. works for us, beautifully, and it will work for YOU TOO!
Now please understand that I do not ‘sell’ anything. And there are no quick fixes, so if you’re used to, or expecting a drink / bar / diet plan etc etc etc that will simply send your metabolism into the stratosphere, then this program is NOT for you!
But if you’re willing to change how you THINK (a vital aspect), and be willing to change some habits, then you WILL find success! I promise you!
START DATE for our next session – June, 2019!
My story…
Yep, it happened to me too…
I was a fat teenager, sure. Those Oreo cookies got the best of me! So I tried to diet my way out of it, for over a decade, but nothing worked! I tried them all…the Low Fat Craze, the Water diet (yep, remember that one?), the Cabbage Diet (man, did I stink!), and the Water Diet (spent most of my time in the bathroom!).
In my 30’s, I began competing in bodybuilding…I lost 30 pounds for my first show, won the Overall, the within 2 weeks I put 15 pounds back on…and it kept on coming. Soon, I was fatter than I was when I was pre-dieting! I was depressed, perplexed, and hated myself.
Then my 40’s hit – life, pregnancy, stress, and my hormones started to change (I didn’t know it was my hormones, I just put it down to having a busy life). I started getting the ‘middle age spread’, and my body started to change. It went, well, droopy: my once contest-winning body was drooping in all the wrong places, my middriff was expanding, and I couldn’t lose the weight. So once again, I went to my diet books to try to find the answer….round and round and round I went…again!
Then my 50’s came around, and it was another whole ball of metabolic mess – menopause, mood swings, depression, and food issues that left me confused, and befuddled. My once lean, shapely physique and metabolism had taken a serious nose dive SOUTH! Funny thing was, I continued to train through all of this, thinking it was the answer, butit wasn’t. What was going on???
Then I decided to really dig in, do the Work, and find the answers.
It wasn’t about calorie counting, the next best app, step counts, fitbits, or yet another diet plan. It wasn’t about gluten, or dairy, or fruit. It was about coming to understand metabolism at a molecular level, and learning how the body truly operates biochemically. It was about looking at how our hormones shift with age, and why (hormones are NOT bad, they just need to be understood!). It’s about how the body reacts to protect itself, and how we have to coax it, NOT force it, to react in a different, metabolically-supportive way. AND it’s about how we think (probably one of the biggest components to success!), because we can’t address a problem with the same kind of thinking that got us there (that’s Einstein’s saying, not mine!).
Once I got clear, did the research, and played around with a bit, true success was mine! Now, I live leaner, with little effort, AND my metabolism is strong, resposive and resilient. At 56, I’m feeling better than I ever have! If I can do it, you can too! Let me show you how.
Food freedom, freedom from guilt, shame and confusion. NO more diet books, no more apps (unless you want to use them, but you use them, they no longer will use YOU!). We will create a Metabolism strengthening eating plan for you, with tools from our new tool kit that we will unfold.
Let’s get real, ladies. Let’s stop the madness. Let’s Live Lean for LIFE!
-coach Karen
A peek at the next 7 weeks! (Current participants, use your weekly password for access!)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7 – BONUS WEEK!
How it WORKS!
– On Fridays: you will receive access to each lesson page, with video, transcripts and Metabolism lesson. All lessons will be supported on our private Facebook Page.
– On Mondays: Karen holds a live Coaching Call in our private online Video Coaching Room to support the lesson, ask questions, and more! (If you can’t make the coaching call, no sweat. They will be recorded and uploaded on our private Facebook Page for viewing at any time).
Our Facebook page is where it’s all happening! Karen is there to support, answer, motivate and inspire you each and every day!
Rolling out the weeks’ lessons (these may change, in order to fit the current participant’s wants and needs).
Week 1 – What is Metabolism? (Keep it simple, sister!) Our opening week, we unravel the mystery of metabolism, as we come to understand the three aspects of metabolism. This is also where you learn that YOU are NOT to blame for your poor eating style, your crazy cravings, OR your wonky metabolism! We get clear on the 2 Master Hormones responsible for all the havoc, the ones that are in control of our cravings and our hunger.
Week 2 – Debunking the myths – again! Yep, no matter how many times we’re told that cardio and cutting calories DON’T work, we STILL fall prey to these myths. Here’s why our traditional ways of trying to deal with weight gain simply cannot work. Here, we learn to really look at food differently, AND our thought processes. And we also scrutinize 9 trendy diets that have hypnotized and confused women everywhere into thinking that one way is best– Keto, Paleo, If it Fits your Macro’s, Intermittent Fasting, low carb…do any of them ‘hold water’? I weigh in on the research, and my own experience in working with hundreds of women JUST LIKE YOU! We MUST return to the basics, ladies (we never should have left them in the first place!).
Week 3 – The Metabolic Compensation System, plateaus, and why dieting doesn’t work! Our bodies are smarter than we think, and when we don’t see results, it’s often not due to what we are NOT doing, rather, it’s about what the body is doing to protect itself. A plateau (stall in fat loss) is a natural reaction to change, but it can cause us much heartache! So how do we break through the next plateau (and there will be one, for sure!)? We’ll chat about this!
Week 4 – Menopause, hormones and your Metabolism. Here, we really get momentum and apply the inside-out rule, where we come to understand how our inner workings as we age has a hold on all aspects of biochemical and hormonal workings, and how metabolism is affected. We look at estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, thyroid health and all things in between (don’t worry, this isn’t a science class, we’ll keep it simple!), AND we are given options for solutions to our sluggish metabolisms to get it ripe again!
Week 5 – Re-wiring our Brains, and introducing F.R.E.S.H. How we think about our bodies, our weight, our food, our successes and our struggles all lay a foundation for success or lack of success when addressing our metabolic needs. You simply cannot build metabolic health by thinking the ‘old way’. Some rewiring is needed here! THIS is building strong HABITS, the foundation for making a change in daily routine Stick! PLUS, I unveil our F.R.E.S.H. Eating Style. It’s NOT a diet, it’s an eating LIFESTYLE, and it’s easy, freeing and builds health on ALL levels – physically, mentally and spiritually! It’s specifically crafted for the 40+ woman, who wants to eat WELL, lose FAT, stay grounded and in her Power, AND of course, to stay LEAN for LIFE! Shape, tone, leanness is OURS! And it’s built to LAST!
Week 6 – Putting it all together. Here, we gather all our tools from the last few weeks, and put them to work to craft your own Metabolic Enhancement Strategy Plan to build a strong, robust metabolism, for life, using our F.R.E.S.H. Eating Style as a road map! And a picture is worth 1,000 words, right? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours! LOL! Meal structure and planning is a MUST, so I’ll show you how to pull it all together, with FOOD PICTURES, that will speak to YOU, with numerous scenarios built in, depending on your cultural background, fat loss and physique goals, lifestyle and food preferences!
Week 7 – BONUS WEEK! F.R.E.S.H. Recipes, Menu Plans, and your GIFTS! We’ve got some awesome, yummy recipes and menu plans, to kick-start your new F.R.E.S.H. eating! PLUS I share my 2 Lifestyle Eating TIPS that keep me Lean for LIFE (as I now head into my 60’s)! PLUS, you receive my FREE Trendy Diets E-book that outlines the latest findings on our 9 Trendy Diets that we looked at in week 2! (I weigh in, and offer up MY ever-so-humble summary! LOL!) AND, you receive a FREE MONTH TRIAL of the Warrior Woman E-Workout, my parting GIFT to YOU! (You can’t build a resilient, strong metabolism without a proper weight training program!!!!) PLUS, I explain the Lean for Life Cycle Diet, something I use with my Platinum clients! (Could it be right for you?) Whew! Out with a BANG, I’d say!
Prepare to be enlightened ladies! Prepare to shift how you think and eat! Prepare to Live Lean for LIFE!
START DATE for our next session – June 2019! Stay tuned for updates!
Note: There is no refund after the course start date. Please note that we run the course off of our web site, and all correspondence and support is through our private FB page. All participants also receive a FREE MONTH of Karen’s popular Warrior Woman Fitness and Lifestyle Program, and 7 E-books that focus on nutrition, training, recipes, macro’s and more!
Course Fee – $399.00 (+ tx).
Not a Warrior Woman Member…Receive this month’s WW Workout and let’s get started!
Get LEAN and FIT: Our E-workouts ensure you are always progressing, you stay MOTIVATED and you see RESULTS!
Every workout is lovingly hand crafted by Karen, with videos, suggested weights, sets and reps! AND no more expensive in-gym coaching fees. It’s training built for YOU!
MONTHLY TOPICS: A fresh, engaging topic every month, to keep you progressing! Emotional eating, hormone, weight loss, skin care, recipes, anti aging secrets and more!
24/7 Support with KAREN – Our private Warrior Woman Facebook page is where it all happens! With 100+ women and growing, Karen and her tribe are supporting each other to do their BEST! Friday Check-in’s, Monday Mastermind Discussions, and more!